Impact Hub: How to Work and Communicate Productively
Mi., 01. Dez.
“Focus on being productive instead of busy.” – Tim Ferris

Time & Location
01. Dez. 2021, 18:30 – 21:30
Zürich, Viaduktstrasse, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland
More about this event
Productivity is about identifying the essential and eliminating the rest. Though simple, it is a skill that needs cultivation. Learn to: a) Manage time using Eisenhower matrix i.e. Urgency and Importance b) Communicate (written) crisply for results via e.g. concise emails, messages by structuring key messages and focusing on the essentials. c) Develop audience-driven status and results reports for communciation to senior stakeholders This workshop is conducted in English. Limited seats to 16 participants to facilitate better participation. Reserve early! IMPACT HUB Members are eligible for 20% rebate; please use the coupon code IMPACTHUB20 Trainer: Deepak aims to bring humanistic elements to our working life. He stands at the intersection of Business (MBA HSG Switzerland), Technology (MTech India), and Humanities (MA Philosophy California, Coach – CPCC, ACC). With 15 years in the corporate world, he has held Executive positions (COO, Director) in Consulting and Multinationals. He has also led Learning & Development for a strategic consulting unit. Testimonials: “The way MQ Learning designs and facilitates their workshops is shaped by the creativity that was deeply rooted in his rich and versatile life experience. The depth of conversations, the connections made in such an environment is truly what we need in the business world, deeper self-awareness would support empathy and collaboration in the workplace.”- Chunfeng D., ABB Learning Manager “Credit to MQ Learning for so effortlessly creating an environment where we all felt comfortable to put work, organisation, and status to one side and share our humanity with each other. I left the day feeling energized and inspired. Highly Recommended!” – Steven S., Portfolio Manager, Zurich Insurance About MQ Learning Meaning Quotient – MQ is a learning, action-research, and idea-sharing organization that helps people to meaningfully transform personal life and professional work based on the foundation of self-knowledge. We aspire to a world where people live meaningful lives as they shape a multi-generational collective future. Please visit for more details