Impact Hub Zürich: System Change through Entrepreneurship
Do., 09. Sept.
Erfahre wie Pioniere zum dringend nötigen Systemwandel beitragen können, sei es beim Klima, der Kreislaufwirtschaft oder dem Ressourcenverbrauch
Time & Location
09. Sept. 2021, 17:30 – 19:00
Zürich, Sihlquai 131, 8005 Zürich, Schweiz
More about this event
More and more people talk about systems change - be it the climate movement on the streets, political parties in virtual conference rooms, NGOs or the private sector led by entrepreneurs. A growing number of pilot projects as well as grassroots initiatives pop up and are showing us how a sustainable and collaborative future could look like.
However, if we look at the big picture, very little seems to be happening. If we want to stay below the 2°C target - which is absolutely crucial for if we aspire to leave a healthy planet for future generations - we need a more radical approach: systems change.
What is systems change and why is a radical shift in our actual economy model needed? Where do we stand and what is the role of entrepreneurs in this transition? How can we support them to scale their impact? What are the levers for a transition of our economical model? What are examples of circular & climate ventures that are leading the way to an effective systemic transformation?
During this interactive event, we want to deep dive into these questions with renowned experts and learn from circular & climate ventures how they can, with the right frame and the involvement of us all, contribute to a systems change.
This event is brought to you by Impact Hub Zurich as the launch of the Circular Economy Incubator 2021, ETH Zurich, together with the ZHAW, as well as EIT Climate-KIC co-founder of the European Largest Summer School for Climate Innovation, the “Journey”. It aims at bringing together entrepreneurs and individuals interested in addressing the key challenges of our time: system change not climate change!
please note: the event will take place on site as well as be held online. After your registration via Eventfrog, you will receive an email with all information or with access to the Zoom call closer to the event. The event is limited to 60 attendees on site and to 150 attendees via zoom. Make sure to reserve your seat.